Sinatra Project Blog

Andrew A Echeverria
3 min readFeb 14, 2021

The coolest pieces of technology I used was the Tux and creating the login/signup pages of my project. The Authentication pages (signup/login) were something that were really cool to create because I never thought about what was behind that part of a website/app.

<h1>Sign Up Below:</h

<% if flash[:error] %>

<div class=”errors flash fatal”>

<h4 class=”error”><%= flash[:error] %></h4>


<% end %>

<h1> Sign Up </h1>

<form action=”/users” method=”POST”>


<label for=”email”>Email:</label>

<input type=”email” name=”email” id=”email” />


<div> <label for=”username”>Username:</label>

<input type=”text” name=”username” id=”username” />



<label for=”password”>Password:</label>

<input type=”password” name=”password” id=”password” />


<input type=”submit” />


Just seeing the code and routes behind this technology was very eye-opening. Tux was amazing just because of how conveniant it was for the project in general. Being able to edit and create models in the terminal makes the process a lot smoother. The forms that we created also inspired a lot of excitement in me. Going from that form to seeing it come together in the app was something I was very excited about building and left my hungry to create more.

One of the toughest obstacles that I had to overcome throughout the project was the topic of Routes(post methods and get methods). Since, at first, it didn’t make much sense to me. The connection between these routes and what was happening in the app I was building was not always very clear. I really had to look into the code with binding.pry to fully grasp what was happening and figure out sometimes what should be happening in order for the app to run the way I wanted it to. I essentially went back to re-read the lessons, watch the videos of my cohort lead Matteo and Avi to get a better understanding. Once I did those two things then I started to code with more confidence.

The most interesting obstacle of the project was learning how to write the forms. Which was challenging, but very rewarding at the end of the day. This is because at first I really was confused with writing forms — the tags, the input, the labels were all confusing and I wasn’t sure if I was coding it right most of the time. With the help of my cohort lead and going to project office hours I was able to better understand what was happening with the forms. Also building more forms was actually very helpful, so it’s true when they say practice makes perfect.

Overall, I truly felt that this project was more difficult than the first (the Sinatra Project). This required much more attention to detail when building methods and forms- where one mistake or one wrong tag can throw almost everything off. Understanding how everything is interconnected is definitely more difficult in the project because of all of the methods being more complex. Like these

<h1>Welcome Movie Lovers!:</h1>

<form action=”/search” method=”GET”>


<label for=”Search Theater”>Search By Theater:</label>

<input type=”text” name=”theater” id=”theater” />



<label for=”Search Movie”>Search By Movie:</label>

<input type=”text” name=”movie” id=”movie” />


<input type=”submit” />


<a href=”/logout”>Log Out</a>

Which for me at first was a little challenging to understand as there is a lot of small details that if missed, can complicate things. Though, it does open up my coding skills and allows for me the possibility to create even more. But after this project I am very appreciative of the challenge and look forward to the next challenge that this course will bring.

